Facility Colors

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I would like to make a suggestion regarding the facility color coding ability. As a sewer utility we have many different types of main types and we color code them on our GIS maps, but we cannot color code them by main type when it comes to the irth system. Is there a way where we could add that ability to color code something upon import? In the image below we have 3 different types of mains, yes they are all sewer, but all different. This is what I am looking at doing within the irth system when we add facilities to the map. Thank you!

Shane Mattix


Thank you for your request. We have this capability already available inside of our Map Layers in UtiliSphere. This gives you the ability to link directly to your GIS system and display those maps inside of UtiliSphere. All colors, symbology, and even base map layers can be utilized.

Please reach out to support@irthsolutions.com if you need more details on how to setup this integration.


Shane Mattix

Solutions Engineer

irth Solutions

Matthew Abbitt
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