Ticket Due Time Notifications

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The Ticket Put in Folder Notifications have the option to configure what is sent to the locator from fields in the ticket.  So, many of our users enjoy getting the Ticket Number, Contact Name, Contact Phone Number, and a few other fields so they can quickly know where the work is and whom to call.  We use this when we send emergency or dig-up tickets.

However, the Ticket Due Time Notification does not have this ability to customize fields (at least not that I've seen.)  If Irth did have this as an option, we could get rid of over 100 Ticket Put in Folder notifications and simply absorb those into the Ticket Due Time Notifications as the emergencies and dig-ups are due in a time-frame that is covered by the Ticket Due Time Notifications anyway.

In addition to greatly reducing the amount of notifications we would have, this would also allow us to configure many users for the same notification at once.  Currently, we can select multiple recipients for each Ticket Due Time Notifications but we can only do one recipient at a time for Ticket Put In Folder Notifications.

In short, this would make managing notifications much easier for us if we had the same options available in Ticket Due Time Notifications as we do in Ticket Put in Folder Notifications.

Chris Young

This is a great suggestion that greatly streamlines the initial set up process and drives consistency.