Ability to multiple select work items to be printed to PDF vs having to open each one individually to print

  • updated

Our company still requires us to have a hard copy of each work item.  It can be time consuming to print each work item out having to open each one to print to PDF.  Would it be possible to use the multi select function to print multiple work items?

dino alvarado

IRTHNET - Has there been any resolution for this request? I agree with Keith, our company requires a hard copy of each work item as well, very time consuming having to print 100's of forms out individually.

Matthew Abbitt

Do you have to generate them as a PDF to print them? Or are you generating a PDF to store them in another system? 

dino alvarado

I have to generate them to a PDF to print and also, an electronic version is saved on our server for other departments to review.