Support additional barcodes including QR codes

  • updated

Need support for QR codes and additional barcode types when using the barcode field type.  Right now only barcode type 39 is supported.

Rod Ball

Currently UtiliSphere has the capability to generate a message template with a QR Code on it. Any app that reads QR codes can scan the QR code and opens that item directly. 

You can find this functionality by:

1. Log into UtiliSphere

2. Click on the Gear Icon

3. Click on Message Templates

4. Click on Create New Message Template 

5. Fill in the fields 

6. Click on Add Form Fields 

7. You will see the below field: 

Does this work for your use case? 

David Tappen

This is nice, but we need the opposite.  We need the app to READ a QR code to store data.