Download All option for attachments
Add a Download All button for attachments. A lot of the complex tickets have 50+ pictures. It would be a lot easier to download them all at once rather than clicking on each one individually.
Add a Download All button for attachments. A lot of the complex tickets have 50+ pictures. It would be a lot easier to download them all at once rather than clicking on each one individually.
Irth Solutions has added the ability to download all attachments on a ticket. Follow the below steps:
1. Open a Ticket
2. Click on the Paper Clip icon
3. Click on "Download Zipped"
4. Click on "Check All" and "Create Zip"
Irth Solutions has added the ability to download all attachments on a ticket. Follow the below steps:
1. Open a Ticket
2. Click on the Paper Clip icon
3. Click on "Download Zipped"
4. Click on "Check All" and "Create Zip"