Mass Uploading of Users

  • updated

If we pull a report from HR that includes the employees name, id, email, and phone number in an excel file it would be great to mass upload that information into the system. Users then will be created but as incomplete/inactive. The Admin will then to to assign the user to a group and fill in the missing information.

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Rod Ball
  • Answer
  • Under review

We have an option for this and would like to get your feedback. UtiliSphere has an Integration API. This allows other systems like an HR system to do things like creating users and modifying users. Does your HR system support integrations? If so, this is an alternative to the above suggestion that may work for your needs now. 

Rod Ball
  • Answer
  • Under review

We have an option for this and would like to get your feedback. UtiliSphere has an Integration API. This allows other systems like an HR system to do things like creating users and modifying users. Does your HR system support integrations? If so, this is an alternative to the above suggestion that may work for your needs now.