"Export to CSV" option

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At present, we have this option "Export to CSV" (displayed in the right top corner) for Work summary only. This is a very handy option that should be added not only to 'Ticket summary' but to nay page that could be exported in tabular (csv) form.

Rod Ball
  • Under review

On the Ticket Summary screen, under the "Select Action to Perform.." drop down, there is an option called: Export Ticket Summary to HTML

When you export this, it saves an HTML file that can be opened in Excel. Does this work for your needs? 

Rod Ball
  • Answer
  • Completed
zulfiqar ali

Thanks Matt.

I was not looking for an individual ticket record to be transferred into an excel format.

In your ticket summary, when you display bunch of tickets as per the filter that is selected; i would like to see this page(s) of ticket records to be exported to a CSV file just like we are able to do this when we display 'work items' and yous ee an option of 'export to CSV' on teh top rigth corner of the screen.

zulfiqar ali
Quote from Rod Ball

On the Ticket Summary screen, under the "Select Action to Perform.." drop down, there is an option called: Export Ticket Summary to HTML

When you export this, it saves an HTML file that can be opened in Excel. Does this work for your needs? 

Thanks Matthew but this is not what I was looking for.

In work items, when you display your items based on your filter, you see an option, on the same page, at the top right corner,'export to CSV'. In this way you can export the screen display to a csv file. I am looking for something similar here for 'Tickets'.